Sunday, August 9, 2015

Level 1 Reading Technique

Decoding and comprehension strategies

Ollie Owl- Look at the pictures

  • Look at the pictures to guess what a word might be?
  • Do you already know any sounds in the words?
  • Say the first few sounds in the word out loud. Is there a picture of something that starts with the sounds?
  • Eg. Camera – Ca    Me   Ra..


Chunky Monkey : Chunk the word

  • Look for a chunk that you know (-ing, -and , art, tion, sion, ture, ght, ly, ter, ful, etc)
  • Look for a word part beer be-er something like this, break in two alphabet or three, water  wa + ter E.g Animal = Ani + mal
  • Example: The chunky monkey helped me break up the word into 3 small parts, then I knew it was yes-ter-day.”
  • Like Albertine  =Al +ber+ tine
  • Like Night= Ni +ght, Right =Ri +ght, Sight= Si+ght


Sammy Snake: S-t-r-e-t-c-h it out

  • Stretch out each sound in the word.
  • Can you see any blends in the word you know? E.g rather than t-h-i-s do th-is
  • Example: I used Sammy the snake to sound out the word and I knew it in the picture,
  • Summarise & Synthesize


Frankie Fish: Get your lips ready

  • Get your lips and tongue ready to say the sound.
  • Sound out the first letter and blend in the word.
  • Put all sounds together to figure out the word.
  • Example Frankie Fish helped me to know the word started with ‘ch’ so I knew it was chocolate

1.       B EE P= B + E+ P

2.       SLEEP= SL +E +P


1.       LOOK= L +Oie+ K

2.       TOOK= T+ Oie +K

3.       CATCH= CA + TCH


Comprehension- Reading for meaning

Repair Bear- Monitor and Fix up


Fergus Frog: Re-Read


Activate and Connect

Con the connector

Val the visualiser

Ask Questions-

Queenie the questioner


Private eye the Predictor

Infer Meaning

Iggy the Inference Iguana

  • Draw conclusions

Jabber the re-teller Technique :

After reading a text or book, discuss what happened at the beginning, middle and end.

  • Ask questions related to the story-WHO, WHAT, WHEN, HOW,WHERE,WHY questions are good starting points.
  • Ask the child to retell the story in their own words.


Determine the Importance:

Digger the Determining Dog-

Dig for and determine the MOST important ideas.

  • Dig for information that tells you the author’s message.
  • Dig and determine the facts
  • Recording the main ideas and supporting details.
  • Ask questions like: What is important here? What matters most?



Water is life

Stealing is bad.


Frilly Features

Discovering the Features of a text

  • Is the book fiction or nonfiction? How do you know?
  • Is there a content page?
  • Whay are there captions on pictures?
  • Look for various features in the textE.g Speech Bubbles, captions, diagrams , contents, glossary etc.