In recent times Bollywood actor SRK Shahrukh Khan have or not ended into controversies on stealing the lines from J.K Rowling authentic speeches.
I was totally stunned of people discussing such a petty issues. Well I like the speech whether its from SRK or from J.K.Rowling. It teaches you something and gives some amount of vision and gather courage to lead a way of life. In practical terms it is difficult to embibe the true sense but sometimes it works.
Life is not just a checklist of acquisitions,attaintments and fulfilments.Your qualifications and CV's don't matter.Your job don't matter.Instead , life is difficult and complicated,sometimes beyond your control, and to know that with humility,respecting your failures will help you survive its vicissitudes.
J.K Rowling
Eleanor Roosevelt - "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."